Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Like a wave that overwhelms you. Zagada is full of energy.
Do not stop, dance, dance and dance Zagada kudu Zagada.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Copyright © 2013 LDNC - London Connection - All Rights Reserved

Have all a nice Sunday.
We wish you a wonderful day with friends, families ...
Relax and recharge yourselves.

Where would you like to go on holiday?

Zapaterro StrongMan:
I have been in few places in Europe, never been in America so I guess America will be the next place and South America (Brazil).

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Discover African Vibe

Copyright © 2013 LDNC - London Connection - All Rights Reserved

The new single African Vibe on ITunes awaits for you.
Support the group and find something that will make the difference in the music industry. 
Vibrant rhythm and energy will pull out emotions that you kept hidden.


You're laughing and laughing again without being able to stop ... what happened before?

Zapaterro StrongMan:
It most been the funniest thing ever or something fun that happen when you cannot stop laughing.